We wrap up our study of the book of Exodus. We explore some interesting facts, highlight the important themes, and list some of the most popular stories. We also raise life application questions based on the content of the book. Scriptures referenced include Exodus 2:24-25; Genesis 48:4; Exodus 1:7; Numbers 11:5; Exodus 3:5; Matthew 6:25; and Exodus 33:15-16. Check out our website for more: http://www.1010thrive.org/resources/.
We begin this episode with a first person monologue from Eve, just after being cast out of Eden with Adam. Despite her shame and...
What is love? Philosophers, poets, theologians, novelists, politicians and more have considered this question. Is it a passion that attacks? Is it a disease?...
What are some verses in Leviticus that we ought to memorize? Scriptures referenced include Matthew 5:38; Matthew 5:33; 1 Peter 1:16; 2 Corinthians 6:16;...