Episode 596: Salome

Episode 595 March 06, 2023 00:10:00
Episode 596: Salome
1010 Thrive
Episode 596: Salome

Mar 06 2023 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

We continue with “Perspectives on Easter” – our series focused on the people who played both major and minor roles in the Easter narrative, as well as the relevant places, practices, artifacts, and traditions related to Easter. Today we feature a first person monologue from Salome, the wife of Zebedee and the mother of James and John.


Salome was the mother of two disciples, a follower of Jesus, and someone who supported his ministry. She came to Jesus with the request that her sons sit in places of honor in the kingdom (Matthew 20:20–21). She was also one of the women “looking on from a distance” when Jesus was being crucified—with her were Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joseph and James (Mark 15:40). These same women were together on the third day after that, bringing spices to Jesus’ tomb to anoint Him. When they encountered the angel, who told them that Jesus was risen, they ran to tell the disciples the good news (Mark 16:1–8). Mark’s Gospel is the only one that mentions Salome by name.


Other scriptures referenced in this monologue include Psalm 8; Matthew 21:1–11; Matthew 24; Matthew 25:1-4; Luke 23:18-56; and John 19:12-30.

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