Episode 524: Fulfill the Law of Christ

Episode 524 November 17, 2022 00:10:06
Episode 524: Fulfill the Law of Christ
1010 Thrive
Episode 524: Fulfill the Law of Christ

Nov 17 2022 | 00:10:06


Show Notes

Christ set the ultimate example of service and sacrifice when he condescended to us and submitted to death on our behalf. Likewise, we are called to humbly serve others. The apostle Paul writes in Galatians 6:2, “Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.”


How does helping to carry each other's loads fulfill the law of Christ? Paul earlier quotes Jesus in saying that the entire law is fulfilled in one word: love (Galatians 5:14). Love is the law of Christ.


Today, we explore 11 more texts that speak to how we ought to fulfill the law of Christ, in our relationships: Hebrews 13:16; John 15:12; Matthew 5:42; Proverbs 19:17; Romans 12:13; Matthew 5:16; Proverbs 3:27; Philippians 2:4; Matthew 25:44-45; Luke 3:10-11; and James 2:14-17. 

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