Episode 476-Justification by Faith Alone

Episode 476 September 12, 2022 00:10:14
Episode 476-Justification by Faith Alone
1010 Thrive
Episode 476-Justification by Faith Alone

Sep 12 2022 | 00:10:14


Show Notes

What is it about Galatians that has made it such a backbone of spiritual revival? Why has it been able to touch the hearts of so many? In a manner unlike any other book in the Bible, Galatians addresses a number of themes crucial to the Christian soul. It is in Galatians that Paul tackles issues such as freedom, the role of the law in salvation, our condition in Christ, and the nature of the Spirit-led life, as well as the age-old question, How can sinful humans be made right before a holy and just God?


We explore the idea of righteousness by faith and how this relates to our ten guidelines for abundant living. Scriptures referenced include Galatians 2:16-18; Romans 3:8; Romans 6:1, 5-14; and 2 Corinthians 5:17.

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