The Old Testament says many times of itself, “thus says the Lord.” as well as “it is written.” And Jesus and many of the apostles often state “it is written” as a preface to an Old Testament quote. If you do not believe what Jesus said about the Bible, then you do not believe what Jesus said about Himself. For He declares Himself to be the revealed word of God and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies written about Himself as the only means of salvation for all mankind.
Hebrews 10:5-7 tells of the first time Jesus spoke about the Old Testament, asserting that they were “written about me.” He also told of His knowledge of the mission He was called to fulfill, to do the will of God. Also, as a young child Jesus spoke to the Jewish religious leaders and Mary, of His mission to do the will of God by fulfilling the scriptures of the Old Testament.
We explore 12 instances in which Jesus quotes from the Old Testament. Scriptures referenced include Matthew 4:4, 7, 10; Matthew 11:10; Matthew 21:13; Matthew 26:31; Mark 7:6-7; Luke 4:16-21; Luke 23:27; Luke 24:46; John 13:18; and John 6:45.
The Book of Romans is the longest of the epistles included in the New Testament. It tells us about God, who He is and...
The book of Nehemiah tells the story of Nehemiah, a Jewish cupbearer to the Persian king Artaxerxes I, who was granted permission to return...
Part Six of "Highly Favored" focuses on the selection of Joseph as a suitable husband for Mary. Rabbis in the synagogue courtyard discuss Mary's...