Episode 385: The Reality of the Resurrection

Episode 385 April 29, 2022 00:10:15
Episode 385: The Reality of the Resurrection
1010 Thrive
Episode 385: The Reality of the Resurrection

Apr 29 2022 | 00:10:15


Show Notes

Many theories have been advanced, attempting to show that the resurrection of Jesus Christ was a fraud. At Easter time it is not uncommon for specials to be aired on television seeking to challenge the reality of the resurrection. We examine three of the more popular theories: the swoon theory, the hallucination theory, and the impersonation theory. There is ample evidence to refute all of these theories and more. We can believe in a resurrection that proves Jesus to be the Son of God, the Savior of the world and the person through whom we can gain eternal life.


Scriptures referenced include Luke 24:12; John 20:5-8; John 11:43-44; John 19:31-35; Mark 15:43-45; and John 20:24.

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