Episode 373: Give Us Barabbas

Episode 373 April 13, 2022 00:10:05
Episode 373: Give Us Barabbas
1010 Thrive
Episode 373: Give Us Barabbas

Apr 13 2022 | 00:10:05


Show Notes

Barabbas, as Mark 15:6-15 indicates, was a criminal who had led a band of rebels against the Roman occupation. During their act of rebellion, he had killed someone. He was jailed for murder and for insurrection against the Roman government. Not much else is mentioned about him in scripture, except that he was the man chosen to be released by Pilate instead of Jesus. Other historical documents provide no proof as to what became of him after his release. We don’t know if he committed more crimes, decided to go straight, or maybe even decided to believe in Jesus. History is silent about it, and in a way that is appropriate. It is appropriate because Barabbas is a prophetic picture of each of us.


Additional scriptures referenced include John 18:39-40; John 14:27; John 16:33; John 17:3; John 5:21; John 14:6; John 10:10; and Luke 23:14-25.

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