Episode 371: Hosanna in the Highest

Episode 371 April 11, 2022 00:10:15
Episode 371: Hosanna in the Highest
1010 Thrive
Episode 371: Hosanna in the Highest

Apr 11 2022 | 00:10:15


Show Notes

As Jesus entered the holy city, He neared the culmination of a long journey toward Golgotha. He had come to save the lost (Luke 19:10), and now was the time—this was the place—to secure that salvation. This day has come to be known as Palm Sunday marked the start of what is often called “Passion Week,” the final seven days of Jesus’ earthly ministry. This was the “beginning of the end” of Jesus’ work on earth.


The crowd’s actions along the road give rise to the name “Palm Sunday.” As Jesus rode on the back of a donkey, “a very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.”


The Bible says that Jesus wept for Jerusalem. In the midst of the praise of the moment, He knew in His heart that it wouldn't be long that these same people would turn their backs on Him, betray Him, and crucify Him. His heart broke with the reality of how much they needed a Savior.


Other Scriptures referenced include Luke 9:51; Isaiah 50:7; Romans 5:10; Luke 19:11-44; Matthew 21:8-9; 2 Kings 9:13; John 12:13; Psalm 118:25–26; Matthew 2:2; Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 27:22-23; Luke 18:33; and Revelation 7:10.  

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