Episode 368: Thirty Pieces of Silver

Episode 368 April 06, 2022 00:10:11
Episode 368: Thirty Pieces of Silver
1010 Thrive
Episode 368: Thirty Pieces of Silver

Apr 06 2022 | 00:10:11


Show Notes

Judas Iscariot was one of the original twelve apostles who traveled with Jesus during his three years of ministry. According to gospel accounts, Judas betrayed Jesus to the Sanhedrin in the Garden of Gethsemane by kissing him and thereby revealing his identity to a mob that came by night to arrest him. He betrayed the Lord for a paltry sum: thirty pieces of silver.


We explore a few facts we glean from key verses about Judas and his betrayal. Scriptures referenced include John 12:6; Mark 6:3; John 6:71; Luke 22:48; Matthew 26:13-15; Zechariah 11:12–13; Exodus 21:32; Matthew 26:6-9; John 6:70; John 13:8-11, 22-29; Luke 22:47–48; Matthew 27:3-8; Psalm 41:9; John 13:18; Matthew 26:24; Acts 1:18-19; and Matthew 7:22–23.

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