In many traditions of the Church, there has been confusion and controversy about the roles of women in ministry. While people still debate what Paul meant in a few passages, there is strong evidence throughout Scripture that God intended women to take a leadership role. Women in the Bible were prophetesses, judges, queens, deacons, and maybe even apostles. They were leaders in both official and unofficial capacities.
In today’s top ten list, we spotlight women from both the Old and New Testaments: Miriam, Rahab, Deborah, Rizpah, Jehosheba, Esther, Lydia, Nympha, Phoebe, and Junia.
The Book of Philippians, written by the Apostle Paul during his imprisonment in Rome, is a letter filled with joy and encouragement despite Paul's...
Job continues to suffer as God permits Satan to go one step further. Three of his friends sit with him in silence, for seven...
False teachers have convinced the Galatians that they are required to be circumcised. The result is division within their church. In an epistle written...