Episode 223: Persecution and Providence

Episode 173 September 08, 2021 00:10:00
Episode 223: Persecution and Providence
1010 Thrive
Episode 223: Persecution and Providence

Sep 08 2021 | 00:10:00


Show Notes

As Jesus advances the mission of God, the world and culture violently oppose this. In Acts, we see the Church going through times of intense persecution and suffering. The Apostles are threatened and beaten by the religious authorities (Acts 5:17-42). Many Christians are imprisoned for their faith (Acts 8:3). Stephen is not the only killed because of his faithfulness to preach the gospel (Acts 7:54-60). The Apostle James is also killed (Acts 12:3). While not recorded in the Book of Acts, almost every apostle is martyred for the faith.


But behind all of this suffering is the providence of God. God uses this persecution to advance his mission. It is because of the persecution following Stephen’s martyrdom that the gospel spread to the Samaritans and the Ethiopians (Acts 8). Paul’s imprisonment allows him to preach the gospel to jailers, governors, and kings (Acts 16:25-34; 24:1-27; 26:1-32). And it is his unlawful imprisonment that leads to the spreading of the gospel to Rome (Acts 28:11-31).


Other scriptures referenced include Acts 6:11-14; Acts 7; 1 Peter 4:14, 16; Matthew 5:11; Acts 8:3; Acts 9:2-6; Acts 14; Acts 16:25-34; Acts 24:1-27; Acts 26:1-32; Acts 28:11-31; and John 16:33.

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