Episode 215: The Most Beautiful Book

Episode 165 August 28, 2021 00:10:14
Episode 215: The Most Beautiful Book
1010 Thrive
Episode 215: The Most Beautiful Book

Aug 28 2021 | 00:10:14


Show Notes

Called the most beautiful book ever written, the Gospel of Luke begins by telling us about Jesus’ parents; the birth of His cousin, John the Baptist; Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, where Jesus is born in a manger; and the genealogy of Christ through Mary. Jesus’ public ministry reveals His perfect compassion and forgiveness through the stories of the prodigal son, the rich man and Lazarus, and the Good Samaritan (only recorded in this gospel). While many believe in unprejudiced love that surpasses all human limits, many others—especially the religious leaders—challenge and oppose the claims of Jesus. Christ’s followers are encouraged to count the cost of discipleship, while His enemies seek His death on the cross. Finally, Jesus is betrayed, tried, sentenced, and crucified. But the grave cannot hold Him! His Resurrection assures the continuation of His ministry of reconciliation, restoration, and renewal.


Scriptures referenced include Luke 4:1-13, 17-21, 23-24; Luke 10:25-28; Luke 18:18-27; Luke 20; Luke 1; Luke 2; Luke 19:40-41; Isaiah 40:1-2; Luke 7:36-50; and Luke 19:10

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