Episode 210: Confirming the Message

Episode 160 August 20, 2021 00:10:15
Episode 210: Confirming the Message
1010 Thrive
Episode 210: Confirming the Message

Aug 20 2021 | 00:10:15


Show Notes

We wrap up the book of Mark by exploring how this gospel is organized, speaking about the intended audience and comparing it to the other two synoptic gospels. We discuss some unique miracles and eyewitness details and linger for a moment on the description of James and John as the “Sons of Thunder” and Jesus telling a parable about a strong man. Mark presents Jesus as the suffering Servant of God and as the One who comes to serve and sacrifice for us, in part to inspire us to do the same. We are to minister as He does, with the same greatness of humility and devotion to the service of others. Jesus exhorts us to remember that to be great in God’s kingdom, we must be the servant of all Self-sacrifice should transcend our need for recognition or reward, just as Jesus is willing to be abased as He lays down His life for the sheep.


Scriptures referenced include Mark 16:19-20; Mark 8:27; Mark 3:14; Mark 7; Mark 8; Mark 9; Mark 4; Mark 5; Mark 10; Mark 3:17; Luke 9:54; Matthew 17:1; Acts 12:2; Mark 3:22-27; 1 John 5:19; and Mark 10:44-45.

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