Episode 191: The Worshipper

Episode 141 July 26, 2021 00:10:08
Episode 191: The Worshipper
1010 Thrive
Episode 191: The Worshipper

Jul 26 2021 | 00:10:08


Show Notes

Joel is the 2nd book of the Minor Prophets. Little is known about the man after whom this is named. His name combines the covenant name of God, Yahweh, and the generic name for God, El. It has been translated as “one to whom Yahweh is God.” Otherwise, we can interpret his name to mean “a worshipper of Yahweh.” Joel shows that he is a true worshipper by being responsive to the word of the Lord. He calls the people to repentance. He warns them that if they do not return to God they will suffer a fate worse than the plague of locusts that has just recently destroyed everything they have.


Scriptures referenced include Joel 1:1-2, 4; Joel 2:21-23, 26-27; Joel 2:11; and Isaiah 55:6-7.

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