Episode 165: The Gospel According to Isaiah

Episode 115 June 18, 2021 00:10:11
Episode 165: The Gospel According to Isaiah
1010 Thrive
Episode 165: The Gospel According to Isaiah

Jun 18 2021 | 00:10:11


Show Notes

Some say that Isaiah is like a mini-Bible. The first 39 chapters, like the 39 books of the Old Testament, are filled with judgment upon immoral and idolatrous men. The final 27 chapters, like the 27 books of the New Testament, declare a message of hope. What does Isaiah have to say about salvation? And what picture does it offer us of Jesus? Besides answering these questions, we explore the song of God’s victory over evil captured in Isaiah 14, and briefly discuss what Isaiah says about heaven. We close with 10 prophecies of Isaiah, not related to the Messiah, that have come true.


Scriptures referenced include Isaiah 6:8; Hebrews 11:37; Isaiah 6:3; Isaiah 5:1-7; Isaiah 53; Isaiah 12:2; Isaiah 14:3, 12-13; Isaiah65:25; Isaiah 8:4; and Isaiah 37:33.

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